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We're Saving a Seat for You​
We don't care how you're dressed, how many tattoos you have, or who you voted for. We are a church full of broken people with every kind of story imaginable and we are saving a seat for you!
We don't have to figure it out by ourselves.
Life doesn't have to be lived alone.
None of us our perfect.
Around here we are about 2 things:
Loving God
Loving Others.
We believe our mission is to prepare the next generation to change their world for Christ right here in Green River and Rock Springs. In light of what Jesus has done it is not uncommon to find the people here helpful not just in their words, but in their actions. We believe we best minister to our community through our actions.
So if you are new around here, we'd love to meet you! We gather every Sunday at 10:30AM. Feel free to come dressed casual. It is not uncommon to see most us in blue jeans. We will have a time of greeting. We will sing some songs. We will hear a message from the Bible. And that's it. We'd love to meet you and say, "HI!"

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